Electro Stimulation
The Electrostimulation is a method used in aesthetic medicine to improve the muscular tone giving electrical impulses to the muscles.

The biological effects of electric current result from a decrease in membrane potential.
The most important effects of this action are trophic, thermal, analgesic, chemical, and increased blood supply ( associated with passive vasodilatation).

Electrostimulation fulfills an important function for favouring fat consumption and figure shaping..
Fat consumption is promoted because muscle fibers, regardless of the applied current, are "forced" to consume energy substrates during the forced contraction to which they are subjected;
The possibility of shaping up the figure is also favoured since muscle heads may be selectively hypertrophied.

Passive hypertrophy of the shoulder muscles may contribute to reshaping the silhouette in case of a gynoid habitus, while the hypertrophy of the gluteal muscles or of the rectus femoris muscle may result in an actual lifting for the trochanter regions, all this occurring with the consumption of NEFAs coming from the area subjected to infrared irradiation.